Two students take the SAT. One uses a brain, a pencil and scratch paper. The other uses all of these, plus a dictionary, math assistant, concierge and advisor. Who wins? Today’s high school students feel the pressure to succeed on standardized tests like no other generation. In this short ebook journalist Peter Wayner uncovers how a group of elite students use tools that are allowed by the College Board, and by repurposing them, get close to that elusive perfect score.
99 Ways the Self-Driving, Autonomous Car Will Change Everything from Buying Groceries to Teen Romance to Surving a Hurricane to Turning Ten to Having a Heart Attack to Building a Dream Home to Simply Getting From Here to There
Have you ever wondered how things got so expensive? Have you ever felt that inflation was much worse than the 2 or 3% gain that's reported in the news? When journalist Peter Wayner found the financial records for the 1949 and 2012 productions of "Death of a Salesman", he knew he had a good way to compare what we had with what we have today.
This new version of the bestselling classic includes four new chapters and updated versions of the originals. The book is still designed to help the world build databases that answer useful questions without keeping any useful information around. The examples show how most databases don't need to be filled with the world's secrets and personal information. If the client uses the right amount of encryption, the databases don't need to be dangerous one-stop shopping for the identity thieves and others who with malice aforethought.